
Orchard Vet's Blog

You better bee-lieve it!


World Bee Day is celebrated globally on May 20th. The purpose of this day is to recognise and acknowledge the positive impact that bees and other pollinators have on our ecosystem. Did you know that bees play a part in every aspect of the ecosystem? As pollinators, bees also support the growth of trees, flowers and other plants which serve as food and shelter for other creatures.

Almost 90% of wildflowers and 75% of global crops depend on animal pollination. One out of every three mouthfuls of our food depends on pollinators such as bees, so while they help feed other creatures, they also help keep us fed too!

35 of Britain’s bee species are under threat of extinction. The decline in the bee population would have a serious impact on how the natural world functions. And as you can see from above, they play a pivotal part in providing us with a nutritious diet!

So how can you help?
- Planting bee-friendly plants like daisies and red clover may help bring more bees to your area
- Leaving a small dish with a few pebbles and water can help out thirsty bees
- If you maintain a garden, lower or completely cut out the usage of pesticides as they can harm bees 
- Support your local beekeepers by buying their honey and other hive product

For more information, visit the British Bee Keepers Association